Whether you are designing a building or a bathroom, you want dependable, well made products you can trust. With almost 150 years of experience, Geberit products are renowned for their high quality, longevity and reliability, ensuring they will continue to fulfil their function for decades to come.

For all Geberit products the warranty period is strictly from the date of sale as reflected on the authorized distributors invoice. The warranty period for each Geberit product, is outlined below. All other Geberit parts and accessories (i.e. batteries) purchased together with the Geberit product are covered under this warranty for 6 months.


Category  Warranty Period
    • 15 years on Sigma and Kappa concealed cistern tanks and frames
    • 10 years on installation frames and all other Geberit concealed cistern tanks
    • 3 years on inlet and outlet valve products
    • 3 years on mechanical flush/access plates
    • 2 years on HyTronic and pneumatic products
    • 2 years on HyTec Urinal partition walls
    • 2 years on Diseno washbasin trap
    • 10 year system warranty for Geberit HDPE, Geberit Pluvia, Geberit Sovent, Geberit SuperTube and 2 years on processing tools.